Cardiology in Practice.

Week 1 Feline heart disease Prevalence, aetiology and pathophysiology of feline heart disease Classification systems used to diagnose and treat feline cardiomyopathies Nursing care and treatment aims Learning objectives By the end of the week, delegates will be able to: Explain the pathophysiology of feline heart disease Understand the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine


Week 1 Aetiology and Pathogenesis Anatomy of the head Tooth and periodontal anatomy, and oral soft tissues Oral nomenclature Tooth types, nomenclature and formulae Eruption times Occlusion Learning objectives After completion of this week, participants should be able to: Identify tooth and periodontal structures Explain the Modified Triadan System of numbering teeth in the dog

Round Up of Rabbit Care.

Week 1 Nutrition and Husbandry at Home Dietary requirements Environmental needs Incorrect feeding problems Obesity Tempting rabbits to eat hay Learning objectives We will discuss the nutritional requirements of rabbits and why these are important Recognising problems related to incorrect or poor diet and the implications these have on health and welfare Rabbits need large

Nursing Orthopaedic Patients.

This 6 week course will cover many different aspects of nursing orthopaedic patients and the role nurses can play in giving these patients the best chance of a good recovery. Week 1 The Orthopaedic Trauma Patient Presentation Triaging wounds Initial wound management Open fracture management Learning objectives Prepare equipment for initial stabilisation of the trauma

Critical Care Nursing.

Approach to Critical Care Nursing A six week online tutored CPD course with Elle Haskey and Katie Gray Week 1 Recumbency Nursing Common causes for recumbency Nursing the recumbent patient Common complications associated with recumbency Learning objectives:By the end of this week, delegates should be able to: List some of the common causes for recumbency

Approach to the Patient with Gastrointestinal Disease

Approach to the Patient with Gastrointestinal Disease A six week online tutored CPD course with Nicola Read and Gina Parkes In recent years there has been a marked interest in identifying the causes of gastrointestinal disease in companion animals; the path to diagnosis has progressed with the identification of serological biomarkers and more access to

A Deeper Plane of Anaesthesia.

A Deeper Plane of Anaesthesia A six week online tutored CPD course with Rebecca Robinson Week 1 Pre-Anaesthetic Assessment and Patient Preparation for Anaesthesia Patient preparation ASA status and patient assessment Use of checklists Breathing systems and checks The aims of anaesthetic premedication Practical considerations What agents are available Learning objectives: By the end of