Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease – Case Study

Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease eCPD Case Study with Charlotte Pace Myxomatous mitral valve disease accounts for 75% of canine cardiac disease seen in general practice, and is a chronic and progressive disease.  This CPD will cover all aspects of the disease, including diagnosis and treatment. This case study tutorial follows ‘Poppy’, a Cavalier King Charles

Feline Hepatic Lipidosis

Feline Hepatic Lipidosis eCPD Tutorial with Kath Howie In this 60 minute eCPD tutorial, we will look at the pathophysiology of feline hepatic lipidosis, how the disease develops as well as common presenting clinical signs. There is a focus on nutritional support as well as how we maintain the welfare and wellbeing of our feline

Rabbit Behaviour

Rabbit Behaviour eCPD Tutorial with Claire Speight Although domesticated, pet rabbits retain many of the wild instincts that their wild counterparts display on a daily basis. These instincts and behavioural traits can often be misunderstood and deemed as a problem. Knowledge of rabbit behaviour constantly evolves, as does our understanding. Understanding rabbit behaviour and the

Feline Aortic Thromboembolism – Case Study

Feline Aortic Thromboembolism eCPD Case Study with Charlotte Pace Feline aortic thromboembolism is an extremely painful condition, where cats usually present in an emergency situation with paralysis of one or more limbs. This case study follows ‘Flower’, from her admittance into the hospital, presenting clinical signs, through her diagnosis and potential treatment regime The case

Haematuria in Rabbits – Case Study

Haematuria in Rabbits eCPD Case Study with Claire Speight Rabbit urine varies in colour and red urine can be a concern for owners. Haematuria can indicate a health problem from within the urinary or reproductive tract and needs further diagnostics to ascertain the cause, of which there are several. Pigmented urine is never normally a

Pododermatitis in Rabbits – Case Study

Pododermatitis in Rabbits eCPD Case Study with Claire Speight Sore hocks are a common presenting condition in pet rabbits. Learn the predisposing factors and causes and stages of the disease process.  Often the earlier the condition is diagnosed and treated, the more successful the outcome. The lecture discusses the stages of the disease and signs,

Myxomatosis – Case Study

Myxomatosis eCPD Case Study with Claire Speight Myxomatosis is probably the most well-known disease of rabbits, but there remains lots of inaccurate information in circulation. This tutorial looks at the transmission of myxomatosis and which rabbits are more at risk. Vaccination is discussed, as well as other preventative measures and when treatment may be viable

E Cuniculi – Case Study

E Cuniculi eCPD Case Study with Claire Speight Encephalitozoon cuniculi (E. cuniculi) may be referred to as a protozoan parasite or a fungi – either term is accepted. It generally affects rabbits, but cases have been reported in sheep, goats, dogs, cats, monkeys, guinea pigs, foxes, pigs and humans and can cause a host of