Tutored Online CPD

Advanced Neurology (Mar 2025)

£255.00 Ex VAT

Start:  3rd March 2025
CPD:    15 hours (UK), 15 points (AUS, NZ) over 6 / 8 weeks
Level:  Advanced



This course is aimed at nurses working in referral practice / very experienced nurses in general practice


This course is designed for veterinary nurses who have been working with neurology patients and are looking to advance their current knowledge, those who work in referral practices and those who are working towards advanced qualifications.


Each week we will be delving deeper into the diseases that affect our neurological patients, going through presentation, diagnosis, treatment and the vital role we can play in the management and recovery of these interesting and rewarding patients.


Week 1

The Neurological Exam
  • Mentation
  • Posture and gait
  • Postural reactions
  • Cranial nerve evaluation
  • Spinal reflexes
  • Palpation
  • Localisation

Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:


  • Recognise the rationale for performing a neurological examination
  •  Accurately perform a detailed neurological examination and determine if the case is neurological
  • Understand the findings of the neurological examination and how that leads to the localisation of the lesions

Week 2

Emergency Triage
  • Initial patient triage
  • Head trauma management
  • Acute spinal cord injury management
  • Emergency seizure management

Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:


  • Understand how to triage and assess neurological emergency patients
  • Recognise abnormalities and signs of raised intracranial pressure
  • Assess and manage spinal trauma patients
  • Know what to prepare and how to manage an emergency seizure patient

Week 3

Intracranial Disease
  • Pathophysiology
  • Intracranial pressure
  • Meningoencephalitis of unknown origin (MUO)
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Vestibular disease
  • Neoplasia

Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:


  • Describe how to recognise and manage raised intracranial pressure
  • Discuss the clinical signs of hydrocephalus and be able to manage patients with this presentation
  • Know the presentation, diagnosis, management and outcome of patients with meningoencephalitis of unknown origin

Week 4

Spinal Cord Injury
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE)
  • Surgical vs medical management
  • Vertebral abnormalities
  • Nursing management

Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:


  • Know and understand the common causes of spinal cord injury and demonstrate an awareness of diagnostic and management options
  • Discuss the surgical options available to spinal patients
  • Understand why medial management is an option for some patients
  • Know the nursing management required for spinal patients

Week 5

Neuromuscular Disease
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Polyradiculoneuritis
  • Myositis
  • Complications and risks
  • Nursing care

Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:


  • Understand the cause, presentation, diagnostics and treatment for the most common neuromuscular presentations
  • Describe the complications and risks associated with each of the diseases
  • Know the nursing care required for each of the discussed neuromuscular diseases

Week 6

Nursing Care for Neurological Patients
  • Bladder and faecal management
  • Skin care
  • Exercise considerations
  • Handling techniques
  • Physiotherapy
  • General nursing care for hospitalised patients

Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:


  • Describe bladder management techniques and how to manage overflow incontinence and faecal incontinence
  • Appropriately handle and move neurological patients with a range of conditions
  • Understand the most appropriate exercise techniques and aids to use with different patients
  • Discuss physiotherapy techniques and when one may be used over another
  • Advise and help owners with long term home care plans
  • Combine knowledge from each of the previous lectures to be able to successfully create care plans for a variety of neurological conditions


The course will be fully tutored by Natalie Roper and will consist of 15 hours of CPD given in various formats, including tutorials, tasks, case scenarios, forum discussions and quizzes.  This course is tutored for 6 weeks, followed by a two week extension of untutored ‘catch up’ time, before the course officially ends.


All delegates will then have unlimited lifetime access to the learning material for future reference


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Natalie Roper BSc (Hons), RVN, VTS (Neurology), PGCAP, AFHEA
Teaching Associate, Bristol Vet School


Natalie graduated from the University of Bristol in 2014 with a BSc honours degree in Veterinary Nursing and Bioveterinary Science. Upon graduation she immediately started working at Langford Vets Referral Hospital as a ward nurse where she developed her passion for neurology. In 2016 she became the dedicated neurology nurse for the hospital where she was responsible for managing the neurology ward, in-patient care and procedures and teaching students. In 2021 she gained her VTS (neurology) qualification. Also in 2021 she moved to the University of Bristol Veterinary Nursing Programme as a clinical demonstrator where she teaches, lectures and manages the clinical rotations. In 2023 she gained her PGCAP and FHEA qualifications. She particularly enjoys teaching all things neurology!

CPD Hours

This online course is worth 15 hours of CPD.


A certificate will be available from the ‘My Courses’ section, for you to download and print, once you have completed the course.  A permanent record of your total CPD hours will also be recorded in your account section.


Australia and New Zealand 

The Australian Veterinary Nurse and Technician (AVNAT) Regulatory Council has allocated 15 AVNAT CPD points to this continuing education activity.


This course is also recognised by the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association (NZVNA) as providing 15 CPD points.



Upon purchase you will be registered to attend the course, for 6 weeks from the start date.  The course will consist of various interactive tasks and lessons, including quizzes, case studies, forum discussions and further reading material.


The course is fully tutored, with new material will be provided each Monday morning, but the onus will be on the individual delegate to ensure that all tasks are fully complete.  The certificate will only be issued at the end of the course when all tasks have been accomplished.  Fewer CPD hours will be awarded at the the end of the course if there are unfinished tasks or there has been no contribution to the discussion forum, for example


The course is fully flexible, and there are no weekly ‘deadlines’ – the lessons and tasks may be completed whenever is convenient for each delegate, and any live lessons with be recorded and made available later that same day.   Furthermore, all the course material will be available for a further 2 weeks, to allow delegates the opportunity to catch up on missed lessons and tasks, or to take the opportunity to delve further into the suggested reading texts.  Please note however, that the course will not be tutored by the speaker during these final two weeks, but the time spent will count towards your CPD hours


After 8 weeks, the course will be complete and there will be no further opportunity to gain the certificate or CPD hours, however, you will have unlimited lifetime access to the tutorials, further reading and quizzes for future reference.  If you make any personal notes during the course using the ‘take notes’ app, these will be saved, along with your certificate and CPD record for permanent access in ‘My CPD’


For some further information about our Online Tutored CPD courses – please read our PDF guide to Online Tutored CPD


This course has been listed as ‘Advanced’ level


All of our courses are aimed at veterinary nurses in general practice, but everyone who works in the veterinary profession is very welcome to attend, whether you are a clinical receptionist, veterinary surgeon, student nurse or have been a qualified nurse for over 20 years!


The courses are not formally assessed for skill level, so the following CPD levels are just a rough guide to help you decide if a course may be more or less suitable:


– maybe most suitable for qualified nurses in general practice approaching a new topic or looking for a refresher course

– maybe most suitable for qualified nurses in general practice along with referral / specialist nurses looking for a refresher course

– maybe most suitable for referral / specialist nurses and highly experienced qualified nurses in general practice


You will earn 255 Pawprint Points (£25.50 website credit) when you purchase this course


Our loyalty scheme rewards you with 10% in website credit to spend on future courses.  Choose pay with Pawprint Points during checkout.

Invoice My Practice


Debit or credit card is the preferred payment method

Please ask your practice manager or accounts department to visit the website, register an account in their own name, and during checkout, complete the ‘delegate name’ and ‘delegate email’ sections with your personal details.  We will then register you a personal account on your behalf, and transfer the course booking over to your new personal account.  We will of course email you all the information you need to access this new account and your CPD course.


If you need an invoice and no other payment method is available to you, then please email [email protected] with all the following information:

Please note the following:

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